Chronic Fatigue
Essential oils are really helpful for chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a long-term illness with a wide range of symptoms. A common symptom is extreme tiredness. CFS is also known as ME.
Fatigue and Fibromyalgia often go hand-in-hand. Try our suggested products and also essential oils used on your pillow at night, in a diffuser, in a warm bath. Applying the Bath & massage Oils before getting in the bath or shower really works well too.
MayChang Essential Oil
MayChang essential oil has refreshing, stimulating and uplifting action, which makes it perfect for relieving fatigue and lethargic psychological states. Use the MayChang Roll On or add a few drops of this oil to your diffuser for a quick pick-me-up. This oil is a tonic to the nervous system so it makes it ideal for clearing your head when you are feeling anxious, stressed or befuddled.
Suggested products:All MayChang Range,
Grapefruit Essential Oil
Organic Facts writes that grapefruit essential oil:
“Has stimulating effects on both the body and the mind. It stimulates the brain by making it active and gives new direction to thoughts as well as stimulates endocrinal glands and promotes proper secretion of hormones and enzymes, thereby keeping your body’s entire metabolism in proper order. It also stimulates the nervous system and makes you more active and alert.”
Suggested products: Grapefruit Essential Oil
Lavender Essential Oil
When it comes to essential oils, lavender is a true power player. For fibromyalgia sufferers, Healthy Focus writes that lavender oil can:
“Lavender oil helps to treat two main symptoms of fibromyalgia; pain and anxiety. This analgesic oil help to increase blood circulation, reduce inflammation, as well as soothe frazzled nerves. Lavender also helps to soothe other symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, such as headaches, migraines, nausea, and depression.”
So lavender can help reduce pain, improve mood, and as everyone knows, it can also aid with sleep issues. This essential oil helps to tackle the most prevalent fibromyalgia symptoms.
Suggested products: All Wild Lavender Range, All Headache Balm Range, Lavender & Peppermint Foam Bath & ShowerGel , Lavender & Peppermint Bath & Massage Oil, Lavender Essential Oil
Roman chamomile Essential Oil
Roman chamomile is a great all-purpose essential oil. Enjoy Natural Health writes that:
“This essential oil is great for relaxation and stress relief. It helps you calm your mind and body, relax, and stay positive during a severe fibromyalgia attack. In addition, it calms muscle spasms and takes gentle care of irritated skin. Because it is a nerve sedative and has antispasmodic effects, you can use chamomile oil to help relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia.”
Use this essential oil before bed to help improve sleep and reduce tomorrow’s fatigue.
Suggested products: All Chamomile Geranium & Lavender Range , Roman chamomile Essential Oil
Roses smell beautiful, of course, but rose essential oil can help reduce insomnia and help you get a more restful sleep.
Suggested products: All L0ve Roses Range
Health blogger, Jess Wilmington, recommends neroli for reducing fibromyalgia stress and anxiety. Neroli combines slight citrus and floral aromas. It’s been suggested that neroli can reduce:
Blood pressure
Cortisol levels
Muscle spasms
Suggested products: All Neroli Range